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21. T2 Rigs in the Alliance Tournament? - in EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion [original thread]
Thank you for acknowledging the error and yes it was ultimately irrelevant as we won flawlessly but its still important that the rules are enforced correctly, efficiently and with due diligence. As it is we were joint 32nd with a whole host of ot...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.06.06 18:09:00
22. New Dev Blog: A toast to another eight years (at least) - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
8 years of some great friends! Eve takes as well as gives but in the balance my life is much the richer for having played. Bring on another 8 years.
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.04.30 09:29:00
23. Escalation spawning 40 jumps away. - in Missions & Complexes [original thread]
Edited by: Viqer Fell on 15/04/2011 16:05:15 .
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.04.15 16:05:00
24. I've decided not to quit eve - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Will you at least quit the forums?
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.23 19:50:00
25. Someone please provide Incarna details from EON - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
To hear from someone that is in the know that they are that disappointed over what Incarna will be is saddenning. I hate the whole concept of Incarna and have been against it from the start but still I know many people are eager for it. I think t...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.23 15:05:00
26. Second go-round: Are you satisfied with your re-customized avatar? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
def much happier :)
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.23 13:14:00
27. Is Amarr-roleplay going to be more racially motivated? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Ralnik Originally by: Mijano Now after a Minmatar bloodline has gone 'black' for real, U'mm I'm not Black.. lol that reminds me of the line in Hear no Evil, See no Evil when Richard Pryor asks "What do you...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.23 05:04:00
28. Is Amarr-roleplay going to be more racially motivated? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Viqer Fell on 23/01/2011 05:00:50 Originally by: Mijano I had no idea previous to this that Minmatars, or Brutors at least, are of African descent. I take it you have been playing with your eyes closed then for the last...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.23 04:59:00
29. CCP why is it that... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Chribba We yet again have to log on to EVE Gate, select a character, go into privacy options and AGAIN have to set it to NOT show our info etc - ON EVERY CHARACTER!?! Why can't you just put the default to not show informati...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.23 04:24:00
30. Sebiester Tribe Represent! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I may not have my tats but at least I managed to keep a vague semblance of my original blue lighting. Took CCP 7 years to **** up my original portrait so hopefully they'll get my tats fixed by 2018.
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.23 04:19:00
31. Chribba, will you please show your self! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
The problem here is that old sebiestor had quite elongated skulls whereas new ones are just bog standard 2010 human heads so it's hard to get the same appearance. Also the lighting options in new creator are tbh mediocre at best and they dont have...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.21 17:53:00
32. Incana makes everyone look plastic. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
There is a substantial amount of homogeny now that didn't exist before but meh I guess this is one of those improvements that I'll never learn to love. Approaching 8 years of playing this year so there was bound to be one that happened eventually.
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.21 17:43:00
33. Live Dev Blogs return to EVE Online on January 24, 2011 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Q1 - When will the character creator be updated to allow minmatar characters to regain the tattoos they have enjoyed for 7 years. What I mean by this is when tattoos are introduced will we be allowed a one off portriat change or will we be expecte...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.20 00:44:00
34. male sebiestor minmatar - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: Viqer Fell on 19/01/2011 18:54:05 Originally by: Doppleganger As a sebiestor I am still trying to figure out why CCP has striped us of one of our strongest traditions and taken away our tattoos. My tattoos are part of my ch...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.19 18:52:00
35. 1,000,000 ISK for anyone that can recover my photo - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Malen Nenokal Originally by: Abacus Primo I spent about 10 hours creating here not even a week ago. I'd say that deserved a double given how crappy the portrait turned out to be
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.19 02:09:00
36. New Dev Blog: CSM December Summit - Meeting minutes - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Quote "The idea of booth babes (pretty girls dressed up in EVE costumes, handing out stuff) was discouraged by the CSM." Are you ****ing ****ting me? That better be some sort of troll joke ;)
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.11 00:38:00
37. [Ushra'Khan] 6th Anniversary - in Intergalactic Summit [original thread]
Whilst our paths diverged many years distant I recall the formation of Ushra'Khan from the combining of The Peoples Front of Minmatar and Oracle. Two fine organisations that began the struggle that the pilots of Ushra'Khan continue to fight. 6 ye...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.07 01:20:00
38. New Dev Blog: Character Portraits - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Originally by: Petrus Blackshell To all who are complaining about the Amarr lady looking drab and like a coke addict, that is really a result of that portrait only, not the female Amarr look in general. Compare this old portrait with thi...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.06 20:58:00
39. New Dev Blog: Character Portraits - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
How long can we avoid updating our portraits using the new charactor creator? Until you produce a tool even vaguely capable of creating tattoos and suitable clothing and hair options to produce an acceptable approximation of the portrait I have u...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.06 20:48:00
40. WTB Devblog on new forums - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Mashie Saldana I'm a sad panda that CCP won't migrate the old forum data over to the new one instead of just starting from scratch. After all we have nearly 8 years worth of history here that will be lost (and a bit of troli...
- by Viqer Fell - at 2011.01.06 20:22:00
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